Videos - raising mealworms for geckos
Videos related to raising mealworms for a small number of geckos. Head to Youtube to subscribe to the playlist and see more as it gets posted!
jackpot uh the link worked so I went and checked that out I like that for a couple reasons one they did include ventilation so that there's a way for that moisture to escape and not build up you may need more or less depending on your environment more specifically your humidity level and how much moisture you
add into that bin so that's just something to be mindful of as you're doing it but I don't see any issues with this setup at first glance and so in regards to what's going on here in this thread you're saving your Pupa feeding two to your reptiles and keeping one in order to keep your Colony going first thing on that Pupa actually have more protein than the larva so that's a really good way to utilize what you've got there and second you're saving some back by not feeding them all off that way you should get production a couple of things with the mesh system though that is potentially not ideal if you don't feed your beetles enough moisture they will cannibalize those eggs and so that's the first thing the second thing is because that mesh is elevated the the intent of those systems is that the Beetles lay their eggs and and like drop them down into the below substrate or if they lay them up top those mealworms will hatch and then crawl down um but if cannibal cannibalization occurs those eggs aren't going to hatch and turn into anything and so you need to keep those beetles well hydrated but on the flip side you don't want to add so much moisture that it molds so really you just need to pay attention to that to that top tray of beetles and make sure that they have consistent moisture available otherwise they are going to eat those eggs also if you're overpopulated if you have too many beetles in that top tray they're going to cannibalize as well just to help reduce the numbers around them it's a
natural thing and so you may be putting too many beetles in top in the top of that for reference I put 1500 beetles in one of these blue trays behind me it's a 600 millimeter by 400 millimeter tray um roughly 24 inches by 16 inches so you
won't need as many in in yours but we can do the quick math if we need to if you need any help with that in order to figure out how many Beetles you need up top but if you get too many Beetles that's also going to actually reduce your production because they will cannibalize even more just to make sure that they don't overpopulate so otherwise I think that that's a good system setup to start with and maybe those might be a couple things that are happening to reduce the volume of larva that you're producing and then one last quick thing if you on that bottom tray where your larva are if you sift your frass out be mindful that you're also going to take babies and eggs with that and that could be that's going to put a gap in your production I can go into more detail if that doesn't make sense